I just read an article about you speaking about asylum seekers , especially in Sweden and the fact that Estonia shouldn't do the same mistakes and accept them. Well done. I totally agree with you. Please Estonians, don't do the same mistakes as we did in France, UK, Belgium, Germany, Sweden etc.
My name is William, I'm french. I live right now in Denmark (Erasmus Program), but I officially belong to Tartu Ülikool (I'm following a master there) and the last 2 years, I was living in Estonia, in Tartu. I came for the first time in Estonia in 2012, by Erasmus program also, from my french university. I was so amazed by Estonia (the people, the language, the nature, the culture) that I decided to start a Master there, called "Baltic Sea Region Studies".
Your country is so beautiful and peaceful, please keep it that way.
In Estonia, there are already tensions with Russians as you said, and still, you are both europeans, same civilisation, same race, etc.. so imagine how complicated it is when there are people who don't share anything in common: not the same race, not the same religion, not the same culture, etc... it's impossible.. all examples in history show that different people cannot live peacefully in the same land : South-Africa, Yugoslavia, Lebanon, Israel/Palestine... it always end up by wars and blood.. and unfortunately, that's what is happening more and more in Europe... (Charlie Hebdo attentat in Paris in January, Copenhagen a month later, etc...)
You are lucky, Estonians (for the moment, and depending on how you will behave in the next few years) to not have to deal with immigrant ghettos, immigrant high rate crime, rape, ethnical and religious problems in general.
In France, because of immigration problem, political debates are so annoying now.. most of debates are about racism, integration, Islam and stuff like that. While their normal job should be to propose ideas about schools, hospitals, youth, retired people, health, environment, and all the subjects that a nation without immigration problem should normally deal with. Immigration is lowering solidary in a coun,try, and lowering the feeling of being part of a community. I can tell you that often, I take the subway in Paris, and I'm the only one speaking french. And when I see other european people, then , they are tourists. I hope one day Estonia will not be like that. It's very nice to be able to share something (race/culture/religion/civlisation/ whatever) with people around you in the streets. You feel much more alone if when you go out, no one looks like you.
Also, Estonians, you are only 1.2 millions inhabitants... you just cannot accept people , otherwise you will just simply physically disappear. And very easily: by mixing, or because they will arrive more and more immigrant and because these people will have more babies than you, estonians. In a in a few decades, you will be a minority in your own country.
By traveling, by news, by internet, by friends around in Europe, You have the opportunity to see what's happening in other european countries that face immigration and growing islamism, so please don't do the same mistake, be smarter than us.
A french european brother/cousin"
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