Google+ VIDEO : Beebi delfiin suri kuna turistid tahtsid selfisid - Baby dolphin dies because mob of tourists want selfies - EA

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Saturday, January 28, 2017

VIDEO : Beebi delfiin suri kuna turistid tahtsid selfisid - Baby dolphin dies because mob of tourists want selfies

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Tourists dragged the mammal out of the water on Sunday in the seaside city of San Bernardo, south of Buenos Aires.
A witness, called Claudia, told CN5 that the crowd let the dolphin die.
'He was young and came to the shore,' she told the Spanish news station.

Turistid tirisid imetaja veest välja pühapäeval mereäärses San Bernardo linnas,.
Tunnistaja nimega Claudia ütles CN5 uudistele,  et turistid lasid tal surra.
"Ta oli noor ja tuli kaldale," ütles ta Hispaania uudised jaam.

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