Good will: Coffee drinkers have latched onto a philanthropic new concept which allows them to order a second drink for the homeless and needy
It doesn't sound as enticing as a cappuccino, flat white or latte, but a new beverage called the 'suspended coffee' is set to take cafes across the country by storm.
See ei kõla just ahvatlevalt nagu cappuccino, koorega kohvi või latte, kuid uus jook nimega "ripputatud kohvi" on kohvikutes üle kogu maailmas võtmas kohta.
In a concept born in Naples, Italy, caffeine drinkers not only place their own regular order, they also request a second drink for someone who cannot afford to pay for their own.
The idea, which is not just aimed at helping the homeless but those who simply find themselves out of work and broke, for example, spread to Bulgaria and, thanks to the power of social networking sites, is beginning to take off in Britain and around the world.
Kontsept pärineb Napolist, Itaaliast, kus kofeiini joodikud mitte ainult ei telli endale oma regulaarset kohvi vaid nad küsivad ka teise joogi, et keegi, kes ei saa endale lubada saaks selle endale . Idee, mis ei ole lihtsalt eesmärk aitamaks kodutuid, kuid ka neid, kes lihtsalt on töötud näiteks on see levinud Bulgaariasse ja tänu sotsiaal võrgustike on see hakanud startima ka Suurbritannias ja mujal maailma.
So far, about 150 British cafes have signed up to what has become a formal scheme, while big chains like Starbucks and Costa are making positive noises about getting involved.
The concept is based on good faith by both shops and the customers - anyone can enter and asked for a 'suspended coffee' and are unlikely to be asked for their credentials, but it is hoped the most needy people will take advantage.
John Sweeney, a 28-year-old plumber from Cork, set up the Suspended Coffees Facebook page, and said he is being inundated with messages.
'I didn't go to bed until 4am and was up at 8.15am,' he said in the Independent on Sunday.
'It's not just an idea for the homeless. I've been in situations where I've been out of work, freezing, and would have loved nothing more than a cup of coffee, but couldn't afford one.'
Seni on umbes 150 Briti kohvikut alla kirjutanud ametlikule kavale , samas suured ketid nagu Starbucks ja Costa on positiivsed kaasalöömisel. Kontseptsioon põhineb heausul nii kaupluste kui klientide poolt - igaüks saab siseneda ja küsida "rippuvat kohvi" ja on ebatõenäoline, et palutakse mingit tõendit, kuid loodetakse, et kõige enam puudust kannatavad inimesed saaksid sellest kasu. John Sweeney, 28-aastane torumees nimega Cork, lõi Rippuva Kohvi Facebooki lehe ja ütles, et ta on üle ujutatud sõnumite poolt. "Ma olin lehe loomise ajal üleval kuni 8:15 hommikul," ütles ta ajalehele Independent pühapäeval. "See ei ole lihtsalt idee kodututele. Olen olnud olukordades, kus ma olen olnud ilma tööta, külmas, ja oleks väga tahtnud midagi enamat näiteks tassi kohvi, kuid ei saanud endale seda lubada. "
The Facebook page has designed 'Suspended Coffee Supporter' logos which shops can display on their doors.
The initiative has a website in development and is working on creating an app for smartphones, while other shops are expanding the idea to cover cookies and other food.
Facebooki leht on disaininud "Riputatud Kohvi Toetuseks'' logosi mida poed võivad näidata oma ustel. Algatusel on veebileht arendamisel ja töötab uue app kallal mis on mõeldud nutitelefonidele, samas kui teised poed on laienemas ideed, et pakkuda ka küpsised ja muud toitu.
Abivajajaile: "Rippuva kohvi" kava, mis esialgu algas Itaalias Napolis on kasuks kodututele ja neile kes on lihtsalt rahaliselt raskustes. |
Needy: The 'suspended coffee' scheme, which first started in Naples, Italy, can benefit the homeless or even just those struggling for money
Stores in Exeter, Glasgow, Hull and London have all joined the movement, according to the Facebook page, which has about 23,000 'likes'.
Hettie Clarke, manager at Coffee7, in Forest Gate, east London, praised the idea, saying: 'We're not going to make judgements. If you can say, 'here is a suspended coffee, from us to you,' you feel like you're doing good, but it's not too in your face.'
A Starbucks spokesman said 'suspended coffee is a really interesting campaign and we're looking into it', while other big chains made positive noises on their websites.
Kauplused Exeter, Glasgow, Hull ja London on kõik ühinenud liikumisega vastavalt Facebooki lehele, kus on ligikaudu 230,000 "like". Hettie Clarke, juhina Coffee7, Forest Gate, East London, kiitis ideed, öeldes: "Me ei kavatse mõista kohut . Kui sa saad öelda, "siin on rippuv kohvi, meilt teile,"tunned nagu et sa teed head, kuid sa ei võta sellelt liialt õigust. " Starbucks pressiesindaja ütles, et rippuva kohvi idee on tõesti huvitav kampaania ja me uurime seda ", samas teised suured ketid on rääkinud positiivselt sellest oma veebilehtedel.
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