Russian photographer and art student Egor Tsvetkov used his own photos and a facial recognition app to destroy any illusion of privacy we might have with his latest project “Your Face is Big Data.”
Vene fotograaf ja kunstitudeng Igor Tsvetkov kasutas oma enda fotosid ja näo tuvastamis rakendust, et hävitada meie privaatsuse illusiooni, oma uusimas projektis "Sinu nägu on sinu andmed."
The aptly named project was simple. First, he took photos of about 100 strangers on the subway. “The people did not react in any way,” said Egor, “although I was quite obviously photographing them.”
Tabava nimega projekt oli lihtne. Esiteks, ta võttis fotosid umbes 100 võõralt inimeselt metroos. "Inimesed ei reageerinud kuidagi," ütles Egor, "kuigi ma ilmselgelt olin neid pildistamas."
Then came the main step. He put his photos into an app called FindFace to see if it could identify the people he had taken pictures of on Russia’s main social media site VKontakte. Long story short: the app did VERY well.
Siis tuli peamine samm. Ta pani oma fotod applikatsiooni nimega Find Face et näha, kas see võiks tuvastada inimesi, keda ta oli pildistanud Venemaa peamises suhtlusvõrgustikus VKontakte. Kokkuvõttes: applikatsioonil läks väga hästi.
He was easily able to identify 70% of the people he photographed, even though many of them looked (or at least their expressions looked) vastly different on the subway than in their social media profile pictures.
Ta suutis lihtsalt tuvastada 70% inimesi pildistades, kuigi paljud neist nägid (või vähemalt nende väljendus tundus) tunduvalt erinev metroos kui oma sotsiaalse meedia profiili piltidel.
The message Egor is trying to convey is simple: “My project is a clear illustration of the future that awaits us if we continue to disclose as much about ourselves on the internet as we do now.” You can see the full project, including all the photos, here.
Sõnum, mida Egor püüab edasi anda on lihtne: "Minu projekt on selge näide sellest, milline tulevik meid ootab, kui me jätkame enda avalikustamisega, sama palju, kui seda internetis praegu teeme."
(allikas RBTH)
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