Ungari peaminister kahtlustab, et põgenikekriisi taga on "Uue Maailma Korra Plaan"
Speaking to a Swiss newspaper, the Hungarian prime minister acknowledges that “the suspicion has inevitably emerged that there is some kind of masterplan behind all this”.
Rääkides Šveitsi ajalehele, Ungari peaminister tunnistab, et "kahtlus on paratamatult tekkinud, et selle kõige taga on mingi "Meistriplaan" ".
Mentioning what he describes as “left-wing studies about the future of the EU and a possible European superstate”, Mr Orban subscribes to the view that the nation-state as a concept is being eroded and says the European Left and “radical American Democrats” have come up with a theory for this ˝new world˝ idea. He has no doubt that this is connected to the issue of migration.
Ta räägib, "EL. vasakpoolsetest uuringutest tulevikus ja võimalikkust Euroopa superriigist", Orban räägib, et rahvusriigi kontseptsioon on murendatud ja ütleb, et Euroopa vasakpoolsed ja "radikaalsed Ameerika Demokraadid "on tulnud välja uue maailma korra ideega. Tal ei ole kahtlust, et see on seotud immigratsiooni probleemiga.
Viktor Orban, whose political party has just launched a campaign for signatures against the European Union’s quota system intended to redistribute migrants, points out that according to all indirect evidence and experience the vast majority of the future migrants who fully integrate will be left-wing voters. “Consequently, future left-wing voters are being imported into Europe” he explains.
Viktor Orban, kelle erakond on just käivitanud allkirjade kampaania Euroopa Liidu kvoodisüsteemi vastu, mis on mõeldud sisserändajate ümber jaotamiseks. Ta juhib tähelepanu sellele, et vastavalt kõigile kaudsetele tõenditele ja kogemustele enamus tuleviku sisserändajatest, kes täielikult integreeruvad on vasakpoolsed valijad . "Seega, vasakpoolsed valijad imporditakse Euroopasse" selgitab Victor.
Orbán thinks that Germany is the key to the migrant crisis, but Angela Merkel’s hands are tied as she is in a coalition government with the Social Democrats.
“We did not like the images which were shown around the world when we were building the fence, and when we were called heartless. But that was the price we had to pay.”
"Meile ei meeldinud pildid, mida näidati kogu maailmas, kui me olime tara ehitamas kui meid kutsuti südametuks. Aga see oli hind, mida me pidime maksma. "
Mr Orbán thinks the migrant crisis could destabilise the EU because commitment to democracy would be called into question. He says this could lead to serious problems if and when people realise that no one is listening to them, that their opinion does not count for anything on an issue which will decide their lives over the next few decades. He adds; “We must involve the people in the debates.”
Orbáni arvab, et rändekriis võib destabiliseerida Euroopa Liidu , sest demokraatia võib seada kahtluse alla. Ta ütleb, et see võib põhjustada tõsiseid probleeme, kas ja millal inimesed saavad aru, et keegi ei kuula neid, et nende arvamus ei loe midagi teemadel , mis otsustavad nende elu üle järgmised paar aastakümmet. Ta lisab, "Me peame kaasama inimesi aruteludesse."
Allikas : Euronews
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