Rohkem kui 120,000 inimest tuli tänavatele neljapäeval Brüsselis, mis oli esimene suur meeleavaldus uue parempoolse valitsuse vastu .
Ürituse korraldas ühisrinne Belgia ametiühingud kus osalesid , ajutised töötajad , töötud, sans papiers ja üliõpilased , ühendas vastu uue valitsuse kokkulepet , mis hõlmab meetmeid , mis kujutavad endast tõelist rünnakut töö ja sotsiaalteenuste vastu .
Üritus oli edukas osalemise poolest :Korraldajad on teatanud, et sellist protesti aktiivsust ei ole registreeritud Belgias vähemalt 30 aastat. Nüüdsest kuni detsembri lõpuni on kavas teha mitmeid teisi proteste ja üldstreike.
More than 120,000 people took to the streets Thursday in Brussels , in what was the first major demonstration against the austerity measures of the new right-wing government . The event was organized by the united front of the Belgian unions and saw a massive participation of workers, temporary workers , the unemployed , sans papiers and students , united against the new government agreement that includes measures which constitute a real attack to work and social services. The event was a success in terms of participation : the organizers have stated that a turnout like that was not registered in Belgium for at least 30 years. From now until the end of December are scheduled numerous other protests and general strikes .
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