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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Meet Zeus: The Rescued Blind Owl With Stars In His Eyes

One morning, someone in Southern California found an injured owl on their porch. It turned out to be a blind Western Screech Owl with eyes that look like a starry night. After a visit to the vet, the owl found a new permanent home at the Wildlife Learning Center in Sylmar, California. He was named “Zeus” after the Greek god of sky and thunder because of his stunning eyes.

Ühel hommikul, keegi Lõuna-Californias leidis vigastatud öökulli oma verandalt. See osutus pimedaks Lääne Screech Öökulliks, silmadega, mis näevad välja nagu tähine öötaevas. Pärast visiiti loomaarsti juurde, öökull leidis endale uue püsiva kodu Wildlife õppekeskuses Sylmar, Californias. Ta sai nimeks "Zeus" kes on kreeka taeva ja äikese Jumal, kuna ta silmad on nii hämmastavad. 
Zeus was injured when he was found on that front porch in South California, but the dedicated team of animal lovers at the center helped him on his feet again. Since he was blind, they couldn’t simply release him back into the wild, so he now lives in a trunk on the filing cabinet next to Wildlife Learning Center founder Paul Hahn’s desk.
 Zeus sai vigastada, kui ta leiti ühelt Lõuna-California verandalt , kuid meeskond pühendunud loomaarmastajatest tiim aitas ta uuesti jalule . Kuna ta oli pime, ei saanud nad teda  lihtsalt vabastada loodusesse, seega nüüd ta elab ühes pagasiruumi kapis  Wildlife õppekeskuse asutaja Paul Hahn laua kõrval.

More info: | Facebook (h/t: ilostpoints .

This is Zeus, a blind starry-eyed owl who currently lives at the Wildlife Learning Center, Sylmar, California

See ongi pime öökull Zeus, kes hetkel elab Californias

The little guy was found lying on a front porch near the Wildlife Center. He flew into the wall of a house and hit his head

 Väikemees leiti lamamast  Wildlife Center veranda lähedal.

Ta lendas vastu maja seina ja lõi oma pea.



The poor fella was scared, but otherwise undamaged. They discovered that the cause of his accident was his blindness

Vaene sõbrake oli hirmul, kuid muidu terve. Nad avastasid, et  õnnetuse põhjuseks oli see et ta oli pime.


They couldn’t simply release him into the dangerous wild so they kept him in the Center

Nad ei saanud teda vabasta ohtlikusse loodusesse, seega nad hoiavad teda Keskuses.


Now Zeus is a full-time resident of Wildlife Learning Center, bringing happiness to every visitor

He even has a toy friend and loves Halloween!


Zeuss is very friendly and loves to be near people, so if you’re ever in California, be sure to visit him and his friends in the Wildlife Learning Center

If you liked Zeus’s story, be sure to visit the Wildlife Learning Center’s web page to see the amazing work that they do with animals




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