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Thursday, August 14, 2014

See Kirik Saab Minna Nähtamatuks Vaid Paari Sekundiga . Vaata ise.

This Church Can Disappear In Just A Few Seconds. See It For Yourself.

See võib lihtsalt kaduda ? (See üks vähemalt saab . Ma pole kindel teiste kirikute osas.)
This could just disappear? You could if you were a Belgian church. (Well, this one at least. I'm not sure about all Belgian churches.)

"Käies seal kirikus ridade vahel on näha , et disaini on teinud   Gijs Van Vaerenbergh . Kirik, mis  asub Limburgis (Belgia) , koosneb horisontaalsetest plaatidest ja see sarnaneb paljustki vanale kirikule. Muidugi seni, kuni te lähete paar sammu teises suunas -, siis see kaob peaaegu täielikult . Ei usu mind? Siis heida pilk peale :)

“Reading between the Lines” is an installation created by the design duo Gijs Van Vaerenbergh. The piece, which is located in Limburg, Belgium, is made up of horizontal plates and closely resembles an old church. Until, of course, you take a few steps in the other direction--then it’s almost entirely gone. Don’t believe me? Then you try and find it!
Take a look!

Here's the church. Siin on Kirik.

And here's the steeple. Siin on Torn.

Open the door and--Hey! Where did it go? Ava uks . Kuhu ta kadus ?

No! Come back! Ei !tule tagasi !

Was it something I said? See millest ma rääkisin :)

There it is! You had me going for a moment there. Seal ta jälle ongi .

To paraphrase Robert Frost, I guess nothing this awesome can stay. Tsiteerides Robert Frosti  : ,,Selline suurepärane ehitis ei jää kaua püsima''

(via RedditGijs Van Vaerenbergh)
See on kõige lahedam kirik mida ma olen näinud ja samas ka ei näinud.
That's the coolest church I've ever seen and then not seen.
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