See on kas kõige parem mõte või halvim idee üldse. Paar vene noort pöörasid oma korteri hiiglaslikuks basseiniks. Nad katsid põrandad polüetüleenkilega ja täitsid elutoa veega.
Kui te ei teadnud siis vahepeal oli Venemaal temperatuur kuni 97 kraadini. Niisiis poisid võtsid enda peale leiutada nutika viisi kuidas end jahutada. Nad tegid kindlaks , et radiaator ja mööbel oleks kaetud ja täitsid ruumi meetrise veega.
Siiski tekivad mõned küsimused seoses selle basseini loomisega. Esiteks, kus on nende laste vanemad?
Kas nad said loa korteri omanikult ja naabritelt et seda teha? Ja kuidas nad kavatatsevad sellest veest lahti saada ?
Tundub nagu see kõik võib lõppeda üsna halvasti. Aga vahepeal laseme nendel poistel suve nautida oma lõbusas sisebasseinis.
This is either the best idea ever or the worst idea ever. A couple of Russian teenagers turned their apartment into a giant swimming pool. They covered the floors with polyethylene film and filled their living room with water.
It was quite hot in Russia, with temperatures topping out around 97 degrees. Thus, the boys took it upon themselves to find a clever way to cool off. They made sure to cover the radiators and the furniture in the flat and filled the room with several feet of water.
However, there are some definite questions raised by the creation of this makeshift swimming pool. First of all, where are these kids’ parents?
Did they get permission from the landlord and neighbors to do this? How the hell are they going to get rid off all that water when the time comes?
This one seems like it could go real bad real quick. But, in the meantime, let’s let these boys of summer enjoy their fun in their jankety indoor pool.
Estonian Anonymous
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