See viis, kuidas see kutsikas õnnelikult elab, hoolimata asjaolust, et tal on vaid kaks jalga, on tõsiselt vägev.
Selles GoPro seeria videos, saame teada Duncan Lou Whost. Ta on armas bokserikutsikas, kelle kaks jalga eemaldati raske väärarengu tõttu.
Amanda Giese, kes on Panda Paws Rescue asutaja ja ühtlasi Duncani omanik, sai kutsika, kui üks tema organisatsiooni toetaja külastas ühte peret ja märkas, et pere naabril oli koer, kellel esinesid ilmselgelt väärarengule iseloomulikud tunnused. Giese nõustus Duncani eest hoolitsemise üle võtma ja seda enne, kui ta oli kutsikat näinudki. Kui ta kohale jõudis, anti valida, kas loom magama panna või tema kaks jalga eemaldada. Naine valis teise variandi.
"Kõik, mida neljajalgsed koerad teevad, on igati loomulik, Duncanil on olnud võimalus asju enda moel õppida," sõnab Giese videos. "Isegi see, kuidas ta oma koerakausini ulatub ja isegi, kuidas ta trepist üles ja alla käib."
Ajast, kui ta jalad eemaldati, on Duncanil kaks ratastooli olnud, aga kutsikas keeldus neid kasutamast. Panda Paws leidis ennast annetamas hoopis teistele koertele, kellel neid vaja oli. Nüüd peab Duncan ülejäänud elu kahe jalaga veetma. Ta ei soovi midagi ennast abistama, sest ta tahab ise hakkama saada.
See ei olegi aga Duncanit takistanud elust täit rõmu tundma. "Elu on sinuga juhtuvatest asjadest ainult kümme protsenti, 90 protsenti on see, mis sa sellega teed," väidab Giese videos. Hetkel üheksa kuu vanune Duncan jätkab vahvaks kutsikaks olemist, kes meie südamed võitnud on.
Meie elame sulle kaasa, väike tegelane!
the GoPro series, we learn all about Duncan Lou Who, an adorable boxer puppy whose legs were removed due to a severe birth deformity.
Although we've admired Duncan for a while, this new video delves deeper into his journey to a full,
vibrant life with only two legs.
Amanda Giese, founder of Panda Paws Rescue and Duncan's owner, got the pup when a supporter of her organization paid a visit to his family and noticed that the breeder next door had a
puppy with obvious birth defects. Giese agreed to take Duncan before even seeing him. Once he arrived, she was given the choice to either euthanize him or remove his two hind legs -- she chose the latter.
Anything any four-legged dog has that comes naturally that they do, Duncan has had to learn how to do in his own way," Giese says in the video. "Even how he reaches his dog bowl, how he goes
up and down stairs."
Since his legs were removed, Duncan has had two wheelchairs, but has refused to use them -- Panda Paws ended up donating them to other dogs in need. Now, Duncan will live with just two
legs for the rest of his life. He's not a candidate for orthotics or prosthetics because there's nothing to attach them to.
But this has not deterred Duncan from living life to the fullest.
Life is 10 percent what happens to you, and 90 percent what you do with that," Giese says in the video.
And now, at 9 months old, Duncan continues to be the spunky puppy who first stole our hearts.
We're rooting for you little guy!
Estonian Anonymous
the GoPro series, we learn all about Duncan Lou Who, an adorable boxer puppy whose legs were removed due to a severe birth deformity.
Although we've admired Duncan for a while, this new video delves deeper into his journey to a full,
vibrant life with only two legs.
Amanda Giese, founder of Panda Paws Rescue and Duncan's owner, got the pup when a supporter of her organization paid a visit to his family and noticed that the breeder next door had a
puppy with obvious birth defects. Giese agreed to take Duncan before even seeing him. Once he arrived, she was given the choice to either euthanize him or remove his two hind legs -- she chose the latter.
Anything any four-legged dog has that comes naturally that they do, Duncan has had to learn how to do in his own way," Giese says in the video. "Even how he reaches his dog bowl, how he goes
up and down stairs."
Since his legs were removed, Duncan has had two wheelchairs, but has refused to use them -- Panda Paws ended up donating them to other dogs in need. Now, Duncan will live with just two
legs for the rest of his life. He's not a candidate for orthotics or prosthetics because there's nothing to attach them to.
But this has not deterred Duncan from living life to the fullest.
Life is 10 percent what happens to you, and 90 percent what you do with that," Giese says in the video.
And now, at 9 months old, Duncan continues to be the spunky puppy who first stole our hearts.
We're rooting for you little guy!
Estonian Anonymous
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