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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sacrifice - Motivation speech for 2014

Speakers :
Les Brown
There will never be a point in your life where is the right time to to do a great thing. If you're waiting for the perfect moment the perfect timeing is not going to happen. You know what you have to do, you have to create the perfect time and a perfect opportunity in a perfect situation. It's that a lot of people become comfortable. They stop growing they stop wanting anything.

 They become satisfied .People getting ready to go to jobs that they don't like , jobs that are making them sick. You see when you're not pursuing Your goal, you are literally committing spiritual suicide. When you have some goal out here just stretching for and reaching for takes you out of your comfort zone you will find out some talents and abilities you have that you didn't know you have.

When the messenger of misery visits you what are you going to do what will keep you in the game end of day and you know that you . There are things that you think you'll never need to know that you may only need to know one time in your life but that could save your life, because you had that knowledge. Unless you attempt to do something beyond that which you've already mastered you will never grow.

  What is it that you look at it some point in time some time that you decided you could'nt do it that you talk yourself out of it .
You're waiting on your next door neighbor to make it happen for you , it might happen if your waiting on your mother or your father. They maby so ancient in they're thinking that they dont understund this opportunity that you have and if you're waiting on them it may never get done.

 You dont pay average people to be phenomenal .You dont pay good people to be phenomenal .You just are phenomenal and you wanna try it phenomenal .One reason can you remember that you can call on,that you can reach on that can make you get up .
Find that reason.

 If you're not were you are. If you're not were you wanna be you dont have what you want to have if you're not where you think you should be at this particular place it has nothing to do with the system .
But it has everything to do with the fact that you're not making the sacrifice .I want you to make that dream became a reality, because if you dont you will be working for somebody else , to make they're dreams become a reality .

Everybody is against you. They dont believe you know more. Let me tell you something , that's a lonely feeling thats a lonely feeling , particularly people you're doing it for . Most people take they're greatness take they're ideas to the graveyard with them .

Listen to me , if it was easy everybody would do it .There are people right now who are working who dont wanna work . There are people who hate they're jobs, but they keep getting up to do it .

The wealthiest place on the planet is the graveyard because in the graveyard we will find inventions that we were never ever exposed to Ideas , dreams that never became a reality .Hopes and aspiration that were never acted upon .

Question is what you're going to do with your time . What drives you greatness is a lot of small things done in will .

Day after day , workout after workout, obidience after obidience, Day after day .When things are not gonna work out for you , when things happen that you could not participate What are the reasons that you can think of that can keep you strong you will never ever be succesful, until you turn you're pain into greatness, until you allow your pain to push you from where you are to push you where you need to be.

Stop running from you're pain and embrace you're pain you're pain is going to be a part of your pass upon you're product and challenge you , push yourself It's easy to be in the bottom it doesn't take any effort to be loser.
Doesn't take any motivation any drive in order to stay down there in a low level . But it falls on everything in you , you have to harness your will to save it . I'm going challenge myself. I dont care what you did last week. Today, today the only important day, there are 86400 seconds in a day and how you use those are critical, you got 86400 s a day and what you do today is going to see that who you are, nobody will talk what you did last week

The biggest enemy you have to deal with is yourself as the old african proverb says if there's no enemy within the enemy outside can do us no harm.  You have this opportunity of a lifetime, it means absolutly nothing if you dont take advantage of it and the lifetime of this opportunity.  I got the sayng when the life knocks you down trying to land on your back, if you can look up and get up, if you want to think bad enought to go out and fight for it to work day and night for it .

To give up your time, your peace if all that you dream and screaming is about . Life seams useless, and worthless without it
See if time now, you want to make this your decade, you got to start saying yes to your Life. You got to start say yes to your dreams, yes to your unfolding future, yes to your potential You suppose to say enough When you die, die or heal .

 Leave no dream left behind

Leave no opportunity left behind.

When you leave this earth, accomplish every single thing you could have accomplish.
  Listen to me you're going to be here one day, but you're never be here if you give up,
 IF you givin, if you quit, and finally you got to want to succeed, as bad as you want to breath

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Estonian Anonymous
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